Do you rehearse the timing of the story?

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Peabee   5 years ago • @Peabee

The way the drum complimented the story was very cool and really added a visceral element to the story! Did you practice beforehand? How did you manage to match the music to the story so well?

BuddyLori   5 years ago • @BuddyLori

Hello, I am Buddy Jones, the drummer in this session. My cousin, Alyce is the storyteller. To answer your first question, this session is unrehearsed. There is much more to this session than meets the eye. Both Alyce and myself have been practicing our crafts for 40 years plus. If one would observe the setting in itself, there is a message. A: The painting of Thelonious Monk, the master of improvisation, is our background. B: Alyce has an African costume that sets the tone for the storyteller. C: The drummer is playing a cajon, which has a history unto itself.

The question here, is what’s more important… the sound or the word? This is clearly demonstrated in the early part of this session, where one could observe the intimate conversation of tones and sounds, alone, between Buddy and one of the observers. The session was a demonstration of two masters honing their craft. The basis of all communication is calling and responding. A good call most likely will solicit an appropriate response Buddy wasn’t listening to the words, but responding to Alyces sounds and movements. Her pitch, her tone, her body language was the message of inclusion and intimacy. Buddy’s response was what they call, in jazz, improvisation which allows all of us to speak to each other in harmony. Thank you for your comment! I hope this answers your question.

michaelfelts   4 years ago • @michaelfelts

We should get Alyce to join this discussion

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